Melda Arslan



I am part of the BRAINVIEW project (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, Horizon 2020) as an early stage researcher aiming to investigate the predictive value of early social information processing in infants at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Together with my colleagues within the Developmental Disorders team, we work with the siblings of children with ASD, classified as the high-risk group, together with the siblings of children without ASD classified as the low-risk group, starting as early as from 5 months of age. My special interest is to study how the social information processing develops differently among these infants. In addition, to determine some potential early markers for autism I will be using EEG/ERP and eye-tracking methods with infants at their 5, 10, 14 months of age. At 24 months, measures of language, social, and cognitive functioning and autism symptomatology will be obtained by parent report and direct observation and testing, and a provisional diagnostic status will be established. I will use growth modeling techniques so as to map different developmental trajectories and their predictive value for the outcome variables.



Melda Arslan

Vakgroep Experimenteel-klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie

Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikkelingsstoornissen

Henri Dunantlaan 2

B-9000 Gent

Tel.: +32 9 264 86 18